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Around a millennium ago, a great teacher by the name of Tilopa established a glorious tradition that started with his disciple, Naropa.
In this book, Shai Tubali takes you on a journey that is beyond time and space, guiding you as you learn, experience and merge with the remarkable teachings of Tilopa. In this powerful book, Shai focuses on what he considers the most intense and direct path for spiritual enlightenment: the principle and the experience of the Mahmudra, the state and the meditation that leads to it.
This book is based on direct knowledge of the pure mind and the clear light, enabling readers to deeply experience supreme tantric bliss, united with limitless emptiness and tremendous insight into the nature and mastery of our subtle body and the kundalini process.
This ancient path is as fresh and as transformative for anyone who is looking for liberation as it was 1000 years ago, when it was taught by the great teacher Tilopa, near the Ganges River, to his main disciple, Naropa. From Naropa, it was passed down orally to Marpa, who brought this unique knowledge to Tibet.
This tradition, which is called Kagyu, comes from the world of tantra. Tilopa integrated visions that he had while in a liberated state of consciousness with many methods in which he was initiated by Indian Gurus. These would later be called the Six Yogas of Narupa.
Among other methods, Tilopa was initiated into a state he called Mahamudra. His powerful poem, “The Gangas Mahamudra,” contains the great secrets of this liberated state of consciousness.
In this book, Shai interprets this poem, initiating us just as Naropa was initiated, into the direct experience that this poem was written to lead to. There is no way to learn this knowledge without direct and detailed explanations since, in order to understand these ancient practices and teachings, you need to be in a very high state of consciousness, requiring a lot of tantric knowledge to be able to apply the ideas in practice. This is why Shai is the ideal guide on this journey, making it accessible to all who come to it with an open mind and heart.
In the book you will meet three levels of meditation practices that are built one layer after another:
- The Inner Fire Meditation
- The Illusori Body Meditation
- The Clear Light Meditation
Together with Shai, you can place yourself in the deepest fire of transformation.
This book is based on direct knowledge of the pure mind and the clear light, enabling readers to deeply experience supreme tantric bliss, united with limitless emptiness and tremendous insight into the nature and mastery of our subtle body and the kundalini process.

About the Author
Shai Tubali
Shai Tubali is an internationally-renowned author, speaker and innovator in the field of inner transformation and personal development. Shai’s approach weaves together a tapestry of thought and tradition from psychology, philosophy, medicine, Yogic traditions, Eastern thought and practices and the most advanced scientific research. His vision is made manifest in the Human Greatness Center, where all aspects of his system are made available to anyone who wishes to partake. The establishment of the Human Greatness Publishing House is to spread this knowledge beyond the limits of those who attend his workshops and classes in person, making it possible for anyone around the world to benefit from his experience and wisdom.
Shai was born in Israel and has lived in Berlin for a decade. He is a trained Yogi with 21 years of study in the field of Eastern thought and Yogic traditions. He is a multi-award-winning author of numerous best-selling books. Ever since he achieved a revelation at the age of 23, he has dedicated his life to helping others live deeper lives that reveal the hidden potential of their hearts, minds and bodies. He is completing his PhD in philosophy in the field of mysticism, self-transformation and Western philosophy at University of Leeds in the UK.