True Intimacy
by Shai Tubali
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In this book, Shai Tubali leads the reader to a clear realization of the sources of conflict in all types of relationships. What are the causes of these conflicts and how we can uproot them? If we can do so, we can finally experience that most perfect of feelings: unbroken love.
This book covers not only romantic relationships, but the myriad relationships we encounter everywhere in life: with colleagues and friends, with strangers, with animals and plants, with the Universe and God, and even simply with ourselves.
Understanding certain simple laws of healthy relationships, we can enable them all to truly flourish. This book will help you do just that.
Shai Tubali writes of the “inner break” that results in our difficulty in accepting ourselves; the projections that we create because we believe others should be something other than what they are; and false expectations that are the true cause of our disappointment. These themes are addressed and explored, as well as how to recognize “otherness” and the evolution of the heart and the nature of emotional maturity.
This book covers not only romantic relationships, but the myriad relationships we encounter everywhere in life: with colleagues and friends, with strangers, with animals and plants, with the Universe and God, and even simply with ourselves

About the Author
Shai Tubali
Shai Tubali is an internationally-renowned author, speaker and innovator in the field of inner transformation and personal development. Shai’s approach weaves together a tapestry of thought and tradition from psychology, philosophy, medicine, Yogic traditions, Eastern thought and practices and the most advanced scientific research. His vision is made manifest in the Human Greatness Center, where all aspects of his system are made available to anyone who wishes to partake. The establishment of the Human Greatness Publishing House is to spread this knowledge beyond the limits of those who attend his workshops and classes in person, making it possible for anyone around the world to benefit from his experience and wisdom.
Shai was born in Israel and has lived in Berlin for a decade. He is a trained Yogi with 21 years of study in the field of Eastern thought and Yogic traditions. He is a multi-award-winning author of numerous best-selling books. Ever since he achieved a revelation at the age of 23, he has dedicated his life to helping others live deeper lives that reveal the hidden potential of their hearts, minds and bodies. He is completing his PhD in philosophy in the field of mysticism, self-transformation and Western philosophy at University of Leeds in the UK.