Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
Did you find these statements empowering? Did they remind you of your own human powers and abilities? Did it awaken in you a remembrance of what human greatness is?
A genius can be a source of inspiration.
Their words, ideas, insights and revelations can open a gateway to a new reality in all of us, towards a new level of creativity and manifestation in the world – just because we remember what the human mind can actually be like.
And no, we don’t need to be an artist, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor or architect – like da Vinci.
As Leonardo himself said, learning never exhausts the mind.
In this free EBook, written by the philosopher and author, Shai Tubali, with his co-author, writer and editor Theresa Baüelrian; and with a preface by the American art historian and novelist Noah, Charney, we invite you to learn how the mind of a genius works.
And also, how your mind can learn to think differently.
You are invited into the art and the heart of da Vinci’s mind in the EBook
A Journey into the Genius Mind
Leonardo da Vinci: Thinking from All Perspectives – or Life as an Unfinished Work of Art
This is an adapted excerpt from A Journey into the Genius Mind: 10 Thinkers Show Us How to Think.
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