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Do you believe in the power of books to make a positive change in the world?
The non-profit Human Greatness Publishing House aims to provide life-changing knowledge to people around the world.
We believe that anyone can benefit from what we call the “school of life.” All of us learned to read and write and do basic math in school. But think of all that we were never taught: how to lead happy, fulfilled, healthy lives. Most of us are not equipped with the profound knowledge that can equip us to better cope with life.
With this in mind, we have created a rich catalogue of books to pass this knowledge on to you. We are conscientious not only in terms of content but even down to the materials we use: ecologically-sourced paper for our books and covers for our audio CDs.
With your support and purchase or donation, we can continue our mission to bring the highest-quality writing, editing, design and content to anyone who would like to live better and more wholly.
Your donation supports our establishment of this fledgling publishing house. Since it is non-profit, you can rest assured that every donation and book sold contributes to the production of the next book. There is a cost involved in maintaining the highest standards but we believe that, with your help, this will be worth the effort and help this important, beneficent message reach readers who could use the most help to better understand the lessons and challenges with which life confronts us.
Help those in need discover the secrets of life.